Comic Strip Sundays…

Welcome to another iteration of Comic Strip Sundays!  This week we have one of the few last remaining strips that were published in This Michigan Times as part of the weekly strip.  This one focuses on Spring Break, a collegiate holiday if there ever was one.

The title of this comic is, ‘Party Boi’,  and, as stated above, was originally published in The Michigan Times as part of the weekly strip.  However, looking back… ‘Party Boi’ probably wasn’t the best title for this strip.  Anyways, we find Leroy once again up to his poor life choices and paying for them the day after.  I also tried something new in this strip.

I tried to focus on the different backgrounds in the slides instead of the action between the characters.  It gives a sense of Leroy doing the same thing over and over again, which is one of the main premises of the strip.

As always, be sure to Like or Comment below, or Subscribe above.

~Kurtis the Red

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